Games & Recreation

Sunday, March 29, 2009

How many games does it take to get 50 in halo 3?

How many games would it take to get a 50 in lone wolves starting from level 1?

There is no deffinate answer, first of all you have to be good enough to acctually get a level 50. Some people can play a million games and never get a 50, some people can play a few hundred and get one.

The leveling up factor is based upon the people you play against, so you can win 2 games against people who are a lower level than you, but not level up, but win 1 game against somebody who is a much higher level than you and level up after 1 game.

Of course this is a massivley simplified version, the only people who know how the leveling up system works are Bungie, and they haven't released it so nobody has any way of knowing.

Long story short, nobody knows.

Depends on your skill.. More wins, Less games

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